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Dr .Reuben Maghembe |virulence factors Award |Best Researcher Award
Dr .Reuben Maghembe ,Kampala International University,Uganda
Education :
PhD in Molecular Biosciences
University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), in conjunction with Lund University (Sweden)
November 2016-November 2021,MSc in Immunology and Clinical Microbiology (MICM)
Makerere University, Uganda
January 2021-October 2023,MSc in Biochemistry
Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania
October 2012-November 2015,BSc with Ed (Biology & Chemistry major)
University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
September 2007-November 2010
Training Courses and Workshops:
Bioinformatics Course
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden
January-March 2019,Proteomics Course
International Center for Genetic Engineering Biotechnology (ICGEB), University of Venda, South Africa
May 2023,Natural Product/Targeted Metabolomics Course
Egerton University, Kenya
March-May 2019
Research Interests:
- Pathogenomics
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Computer-aided drug design and molecular docking studies
General Areas of Competence:
- Genomics and transcriptomics data analysis
- Nucleic acid and protein purification
- Conventional and real-time PCR
- Analysis of molecular and biosynthetic pathways of microbial metabolites
- Bioinformatics analysis of sequences and metabolites
- Molecular docking and analysis of drug targets
Computer and Data Bioinformatics Skills:
- “Application of Viral Metagenomics for Study of Emerging and Reemerging Tick-Borne Viruses.”
- “Omics for Bioprospecting and Drug Discovery from Bacteria and Microalgae.”
- “Complete genome sequence data of Priestia megaterium strain MARUCO02 isolated from marine mangrove-inhabited sediments of the Indian Ocean in the Bagamoyo Coast.”
- “Ligand-protein interactions of plant-isolated (9z,12z)-octadeca-9,12-dienoic acid with Β-ketoacyl-Acp synthase (KasA) in potential anti-tubercular drug designing.”
- “Metabolic potential of the moderate halophile Yangia sp. ND199 for co-production of polyhydroxyalkanoates and exopolysaccharides.”
- “Complete genome sequence of Bacillus subtilis strain MARUCo01 isolated from marine sediments of the Indian Ocean in Bagamoyo, Tanzania.”
- “Whole Genome Sequencing Uncovers the Genetic Determinants of Colistin Resistance in Multi-Drug Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolated from Patients Admitted in the ICU of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Kampala, Uganda.”
- “A sophisticated virulence repertoire and colistin resistance of Citrobacter freundii ST150 from a patient with sepsis admitted to ICU in a tertiary care hospital in Uganda, East Africa: Insight from genomic and molecular docking analyses.”
- “Chromosomal and plasmid-encoded virulence and multidrug resistance of Escherichia coli ST58/24 infecting a 2-year-old sickle cell patient with sepsis in Kampala Uganda, East Africa.”