Zahra Baniamerian |Energy storage Award |Women Researcher Award

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Dr .Zahra Baniamerian |Energy storage Award |Women Researcher Award

Dr .Zahra Baniamerian ,University of Nottingham,United Kingdom

Dr. Zahra Baniamerian is a distinguished academic affiliated with the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom. Specializing in [please fill in her field of expertise if available], Dr. Baniamerian has made significant contributions to her field through her research, teaching, and academic leadership. With a dedication to advancing knowledge and fostering intellectual growth, she has garnered recognition for her expertise and commitment to excellence in education and research. Dr. Baniamerian’s work embodies a passion for innovation and a deep-seated desire to make meaningful contributions to her academic community and beyond.


Professional Profiles:



🎓 Education :

PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Energy Conversion, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, February 2011,MSc in Mechanical Engineering, Energy Conversion, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, September 2007m,BSc in Mechanical Engineering, Thermal and Fluid Mechanics, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, September 2005


💼 Professional Summary:

Dynamic and accomplished researcher specializing in energy storage, energy systems, thermal engineering, and nanofluid technologies. Recognized leader in the field of cooling, with extensive expertise in microelectronic cooling, boiling-mode cooling, boiling fluids, multiphase flows, and convective heat transfer. Head of the Nanofluids Laboratory and an Associate Professor with a proven track record of successful research, publication, and project management.

🔬 Current Research Focus:

As a Research Fellow in Thermomechanical Energy Storage at the University of Nottingham, I focus on:

Designing and simulating Advanced Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage (AA-CAES) plants to assess the effects of pressure on cost, design, and system performance.,Exploring optimal configurations for integrating wind and solar energy with various storage options such as compressed air, hydrogen, and wind-integrated energy storage.,Patenting a novel idea for using ammonia transmission as a safer alternative for commercial and residential applications.

🏢 Experience:

University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom (May 2023 – Present)
Research Fellow, Thermomechanical Energy Storage,Tafresh University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tafresh (Feb 2011 – Apr 2023)
Associate Professor, Researcher, and Lecturer,AradSanat Company, Tehran (May 2005 – Feb 2011)
Director of Design and Engineering Department

🔍 Research Highlights:

Proposed a new generation of advanced nanofluids with permanent stability and enhanced enthalpy of vaporization.,Developed a novel apparatus to measure the enthalpy of evaporation of nanofluids at high pressures, a world-first achievement. ,Improved the absorption of solar radiation in solar collectors by 40% using efficient nanofluids as working fluids.


Dr. Zahra Baniamerian has made significant contributions to various scientific journals, including:

  1. How pressure affects costs of power conversion machinery in compressed air energy storage; part I: Compressors and Expanders, Journal of Energy Storage.
  2. How pressure affects costs of power conversion machinery in compressed air energy storage; part II: Heat exchangers, Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 86, Part A, 2024.
  3. Molecular dynamics calculations of the enthalpy of vaporization for different water models, Journal of Molecular Liquids 393.
  4. Experimental assessment of energy tower’s performance: evaluation of the impacts of solar radiation, humidity, and chimney’s height on the overall efficiency, Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
  5. Effects of pressurization on the Enthalpy of vaporization for the SiO2 nanofluid, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 25 (2023).
  6. Role of nanoparticles on critical heat flux in convective boiling of nanofluids: Nanoparticle sedimentation and Brownian motion, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 150 (2020).
  7. Semi-Analytical Modeling of Critical Heat Flux in Convective Boiling of Nanofluids, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer.

Thomas Kraft | Thermal solar field Award | Excellence in Innovation

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 Mr.Thomas Kraft | Thermal solar field Award | Excellence in Innovation

  Mr. Thomas Kraft,Fraunhofer- Institut for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Germany

Thomas Kraft is a leading researcher in the field of solar energy at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) in Germany. With extensive expertise in photovoltaics and solar thermal technologies, he has been instrumental in advancing renewable energy solutions for sustainable development.

Professional Profiles:


Berufserfahrung 🏢:

Seit 02/2022 – Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE – Doktorand

  • hermische Optimierung von Solarthermiekraftwerken,Nutzung von KI zur Optimierung von Betrieb und Wartung,Modellierung und Simulation thermischer Solarkraftwerke

08/2019 – 01/2022 – badenovaWÄRMEPLUS – Vertriebs- und Projektingenieur

  • Akquise von Anlagen zur Strom- bzw. Wärmebereitstellung
  • Kalkulation von Modernisierungsmaßnahmen
  • Analyse und Weitergabe der CO2-Kosten nach BEHG

04/2018 – 07/2019 – HAMBURG WASSER/HAMBURG ENERGIE – Technischer Trainee

  • Hydraulische Planung und Modellierung von Wärmenetzen
  • Entwicklung einer Ladestrategie von thermischen Speichern

04/2017 – 03/2018 – HAMBURG ENERGIE – Werkstudent

  • Analyse des PV-Portfolios
  • Betriebsführung von Energieerzeugungsanlagen

Hochschulstudium 🎓:

10/2015 – 05/2018 – Technische Universität Hamburg Harburg – M. Sc. Energie- und Umwelttechnik

  • Abschlussnote: 1,4
  • Thema der Abschlussarbeit: Bewertung und Optimierung einer Energiezentrale zur Wärmebedarfsdeckung einer Wohnanlage (Note: 1,3)

10/2011 – 09/2015 – Technische Universität Hamburg Harburg – B. Sc. Energie- und Umwelttechnik

  • Abschlussnote: 1,7
  • Thema der Abschlussarbeit: Modellierung einer Anlage zur kombinierten Trocknung, Torrefizierung und Pelletierung von Biomasse (Note: 1,3)

Praktika/Nebentätigkeiten 💼:

Starting der TUHH – Studentische Hilfskraft

  • Leiten von Tutorien zum besseren Studieneinstieg
  • Organisation von Führungen und Veranstaltungen

Institut für Energietechnik der TUHH – Studentische Hilfskraft

  • Modellierung eines Torrefizierungsreaktors
  • Bauteilprogrammierung in EBSILON©Professional

Institut für Feststoffverfahrenstechnik und Partikeltechnologie der TUHH – Studentische Hilfskraft

  • Sprühgranulation von Keramiken
  • Stoß- und Scherverhalten von Feststoffen

Ehrenamtliches Engagement 🤝:

    • Organisation und Durchführung von Veranstaltungen, Exkursionen und Tutorien

    Cristo Vive Europe e. V. – aktives Mitglied

    • Auswahl und Vorbereitung von Freiwilligen für ein FSJ