Prof.Guoqing Wang | Industrial engineering Award | Best Researcher Award

Prof.Guoqing Wang,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Dr. Guoqing Wang is a distinguished professor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), located in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. He holds expertise in the field of electronic engineering, particularly in the areas of signal processing, communication systems, and wireless networks. With numerous publications and research contributions to his name, Dr. Wang is recognized for his innovative approaches to solving complex problems in telecommunications. He plays a pivotal role in advancing both academic and industrial research endeavors, fostering collaboration and driving technological advancements in China’s electronic engineering landscape.

Professional Profiles:



Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering (Sep. 2017 – Jan. 2021,Advisors: Dr. Changming Sun, Prof. Arcot Sowmya,Thesis: “Unbiased Representation Learning Networks for Single Rainy Image ,M.S. in Control Engineering (Sep. 2014 – Jul. 2017)

Research Interests:

  • Machine Learning:
    • Self-/semi-/un- supervised learning and few-shot learning
    • Domain adaptation, meta-learning, and multi-task learning
    • Network interpretation and optimization

    Computer Vision:

    • Holistic image/video understanding, including classification, generation, restoration, salient object detection, semantic segmentation, depth estimation, etc.
    • Adversarial attack mitigation
    • Network compression, neural architecture search, and efficient network routing

Honors and Awards:

  • National Natural Science Fund for Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas)
  • Deanā€™s Award for Outstanding PhD Theses
  • Tecent Open Fund for Excellent Young Scholar
  • ICCV Student Travel Grant
  • UNSW Postgraduate Research Student Support (PRSS) Scholarship
  • UNSW/CSIRO Postgraduate Scholarships
  • Best Master Dissertation of Jiangsu Province (2022)



    • 1. Enhanced Context Encoding for Single Image Raindrop Removal
      • Authors: Guoqing Wang, Yang Yang*, Xing Xu, Jingjing Li, HengTao Shen
      • Published in: Science in China (Technological Sciences), 2021
      • [pdf]

      2. Attentive Feature Refinement Network for Single Rainy Image Restoration

      • Authors: Guoqing Wang, Changming Sun*, Arcot Sowmya
      • Published in: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2020
      • [pdf]

      3. Context-enhanced Representation Learning for Single Image De-Raining

      • Authors: Guoqing Wang, Changming Sun*, Arcot Sowmya
      • Published in: International Journal of Computer Vision, 2020
      • [pdf]

      4. Cascaded Attention Guidance Network for Single Rainy Image Restoration

      • Authors: Guoqing Wang, Changming Sun*, Arcot Sowmya
      • Published in: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2020
      • [pdf]

      5. Multi-Scale Deep Representation Aggregation for Vein Recognition

      • Authors: Zaiyu Pan, Jun Wang*, Guoqing Wang, Jihong Zhu
      • Published in: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2020
      • [pdf]

      6. Learning a Compact Vein Discrimination Model With GAN-erated Samples

      • Authors: Guoqing Wang, Changming Sun*, Arcot Sowmya
      • Published in: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2019
      • [pdf]

      7. Multi-Weighted Co-Occurrence Descriptor Encoding for Vein Recognition

      • Authors: Guoqing Wang, Changming Sun*, Arcot Sowmya
      • Published in: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2019
      • [pdf]

      8. Spatial Pyramid Pooling of Selective Convolutional Features for Vein Recognition

      • Authors: Jun Wang, Zaiyu Pan*, Guoqing Wang, Ming Li, Yulian Li
      • Published in: IEEE Access, 2018
      • [pdf]

      9. Minutiae Based Weighting Aggregation of Deep Convolutional Features for Vein Recognition

      • Authors: Jun Wang, Kai Yang, Zaiyu Pan*, Guoqing Wang, Ming Li, Yulian Li
      • Published in: IEEE Access, 2018
      • [pdf]

      10. Gender Attribute Mining with Hand Dorsa Vein Image Based on Unsupervised Sparse Feature Learning

      • Authors: Jun Wang, Guoqing Wang*, Zaiyu Pan
      • Published in: IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2018
Guoqing Wang | Industrial engineering Award | Best Researcher Award

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