Assoc Prof Dr. Zhimin Li | Assembly mechanics | Best Researcher Award
Assoc Prof Dr. Zhimin Li ,School of Ocean and Civil Engineering/ Shanghai Jiao Tong University,China
Education :
Ph.D., Ocean Engineering,Advisor: Dr. H. S. Shen,Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 2008.,M.S. (2.5 years Course), Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. S. M. Xie,Dalian Jiao Tong University, Dalian, China, 2004.,B.E. (4 years Course), Mechanical Engineering
Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 1997.
Professional Experience:
Associate Professor
Shanghai Key Lab of Digital Manufacture for Thin-Walled Structures, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
January 2012 ā Present.,Lecturer
Shanghai Key Lab of Digital Manufacture for Thin-Walled Structures, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
March 2011 ā December 2011.,Post Doctoral Fellow,Co-work Advisor: Dr. Z. Q. Lin
Shanghai Key Lab of Digital Manufacture for Thin-Walled Structures, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
September 2008 ā February 2011.,Assistant Engineer,Qiqihar Rolling Stock Company, Qiqihar,,China,July 1997 ā August 2001.
Nonlinear stability and vibration theory of plate and shell structures,Numerical prediction technology in mechanics performance for thin-wall structures,Composite materials and structures,Plate, beam, and shell theories,Energy and variational principles and methods,Thermo-mechanical analysis of 3D braided composite materials,Computational technology for mechanics problems
Research Focus:
Formulation and analysis of problems in applied mechanics, solid and structural mechanics,Theory and applications of composite materials and structures,Macro-micro structural constitutive relations,Analysis of laminated composite beams, plates, and shells,Development of robust and efficient computational technology for the solution of critical problems of mechanics (e.g., vibration and stability of beam, plate, and shell structures based on computational algorithms
- Excellent PhD Dissertation Award, Shanghai Municipal Education Committee, China, 2010.
Publications :
- Li, Z.-M., Liu, T., Kang, H., Tian, J., Jing, J., Wang, D. (2023). Theoretical and experimental investigations on steady-state responses of rotor-blade systems with varying rotating speeds based on a new nonlinear dynamic model. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 184, 109692.
- Li, Z.-M., Liu, T., Qiao, P. (2021). Buckling and postbuckling of anisotropic laminated doubly curved panels under lateral pressure. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 206, 106615.
- Li, Z.-M., Liu, T., Qiao, P. (2021). Nonlinear vibration and dynamic instability analyses of laminated doubly curved panels in thermal environments. Composite Structures, 267, 113434.
- Li, Z.-M., Liu, T., Qiao, P. (2021). A novel multiscale model for contact behavior analysis of rough surfaces with the statistical approach. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 212, 106808.
- Li, Z.-M., Liu, T., Qiao, P. (2021). The closed-form solutions for buckling and postbuckling behaviour of anisotropic shear deformable laminated doubly-curved shells by matching method with the boundary layer of shell buckling. Acta Mechanica, 232(8), 3277-3303.
- Li, Z.-M., Liu, T., Jin, S. (2021). Nonlinear vibration analysis of functionally graded material tubes with conveying fluid resting on elastic foundation by a new tubular beam model. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 137, 103824.
- Li, Z.-M., Liu, T., Qiao, P. (2021). A new displacement model for nonlinear vibration analysis of fluid-conveying anisotropic laminated tubular beams resting on elastic foundation. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 86, 104172.
- Li, Z.-M., Jin, S., Niu, Z. (2021). Assembly variation analysis of incompletely positioned Macpherson suspension systems considering vehicle load change. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 143, 052001.