Desouky Abd-El-Haleem| biomaterials Award | Best Researcher Award

Prof .Desouky Abd-El-Haleem| biomaterials Award | Best Researcher Award

Prof.Desouky Abd-El-Haleem ,City of Scientific research annological applicationsd tech, Egypt

Dr. Desouky Abd-El-Haleem is a prominent figure in the field of scientific research and technological applications in Egypt. He is known for his significant contributions to the advancement of science and technology, particularly in the field of annological applications. With a distinguished career spanning several decades, Dr. Abd-El-Haleem has played a pivotal role in fostering innovation and research excellence in Egypt. Currently affiliated with the City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications, he continues to inspire and mentor the next generation of scientists and engineers. Dr. Abd-El-Haleem’s work exemplifies a relentless pursuit of knowledge and a commitment to harnessing technology for the betterment of society.


Professional Profiles:


Academic Background:

  • 1986-1990: Asyut University, Asyut, Egypt, Faculty of Agriculture (BSc)
  • 1992-1995: Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, Faculty Agriculture (MSc)
  • 1996-1999: Humboldt University Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Genetic Engineering (PhD)
  • 2014-2015: Cambridge Training College, Britain, Business Administration (Diploma)

Administration Career:

  • 2011-2020: Dean, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute, SRTA-City
  • 2012: Head, Protein Research Department, GEBRI, SRTA-City
  • 2009: Acting Dean, Environmental and Natural Materials Research Institute, SRTA-City
  • 2009-2011: Head, Environmental Biotechnology Department, GEBRI, SRTA-City

Academic Career:

  • 2010-present: Professor at Environmental Biotechnology Department, GEBRI, City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications
  • 2005-2010: Associate Professor at Environmental Biotechnology Department, GEBRI, City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications
  • 2006-2009: Associate Professor, Biological Sciences Department, College of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University, Qatar
  • 2000-2005: Researcher at Environmental Biotechnology Department, GEBRI, City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications
  • 1995-2000: Assistant Researcher at Botany Department, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
  • 1991-1995: Researcher Assistant at Botany Department, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt


  • 2023: Mohamed Rabiaa Naser Prize in Scientific Research, Agriculture, and Food Security
  • 2019: The Medal of Sciences and Arts of the First Class, Presidency of the Republic, Egypt
  • 2017: State Mirte Award in Advanced Technological Sciences, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt
  • 2009: Stat’s Prize of Excellence in Advanced Technological Sciences, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt
  • 2004: Abdul Hameed Showman Prize for Young Arab Researchers in ā€œBiological and Environmental Sciences”, Abdul Hameed Showman Foundation, Kingdom of Jordan
  • 2002: Encourage State Prize of Egypt in Advanced Technological Sciences, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt

Main Fields of Research:

  • Bioremediation of Wastewater
  • Bio-products to treat wastewater
  • Bio-monitoring of pollutants in water and wastewater
  • Biodiversity as raw materials of biotech industry


  • Various awards including SRTA-City Achievement Awards and Teaching Experience Certificates


  1. Desouky Abd-El-Haleem & Roda Al-Thani (2008): Classical and Molecular Detection of the Bacterial Genera Escherichia coli, Salmonella and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Water and Wastewater. Biotechnology for Food, Agriculture and Environment, Vol. 2. Regency Publications, New Delhi (
  2. Characterization of nitrate reductases producing Proteus mirabilis strain 10B. The 2nd International Conference of Biotechnology and Environment (ICBE 2018), Alexandria, Egypt. March 2018.
  3. Intracellular biosynthesis and characterization of metallic nanoparticles using yeast cells. The 2nd International Conference of Biotechnology and Environment (ICBE 2018), Alexandria, Egypt. March 2018.
  4. Biosynthesis, characterization and application of metal-nanoparticles produced by Achromobacter sp. Biovision Alexandria-2018, ā€œNew Life Sciences: Towards SDGsā€, Alexandria, Egypt. April 2018.
  5. Biological synthesis and characterization of Nano-absorbent magnetic iron for phenol decontamination. Biovision Alexandria-2018, ā€œNew Life Sciences: Towards SDGsā€, Alexandria, Egypt. April 2018.
  6. Detection of microorganisms using molecular biological tools. The 3rd International Conference on Biotechnology and Environmental Safety, National Research Center, Egypt. March 2019.
  7. Environmental Biotechnology. The second Egypt-India biotechnology Forum, Shilong-India. September 2018.
  8. Biotechnology for clean environment. The 3rd International Conference on Biotechnology and Environmental Safety (14-16/3.2017), National Research Center, Egypt. March 2017.
  9. Molecular biomonitoring of microorganisms and pollutants: Case studies, 7th Conference of faculty of veterainy medicine (8-10/11/2016), Alexandria university, Alexandria, Egypt. November 2016.
  10. Outcomes of Environmental Biotechnology Research Projects. 8th International Conference of High Institute of Public Health (19-20 October, 2016), Alex-Health, Alexandria, Egypt. October 2016.
  11. Environmental biotechnology: in house contributions {biodiversity of bioflocculant-producing microorganisms as an example}, International Symposium of Genetics and Human Phonemics (ISGHP) (11-13/5/2016), Shanghai, China. May 2016.
  12. Environmental Biotechnology and Sustainable agriculture Development. Bioremediation Technology symposium organized by National committee of microbiology sponsored by ASRT, Marine and Fishers national Institute, Alexandria, Egypt. May 2016.
  13. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Institute at SRTA-City: current Situation and the available cooperation opportunities. The first Egyptian-Indian Forum on Biotechnology (October 25-26/2015), ASRT, Cairo, Egypt. October 2015.
  14. Nan-silver applications in water treatment, The Second International Conference on New Horizons in Basic and Applied Science (ICNHBAS, 1ā€“6 August 2015, Hurghada, Egypt. August 2015.
  15. Detection of mycosynthesized using bioluminescence bacteria silver nanoparticles. The Second International Conference on New Horizons in Basic and Applied Science (ICNHBAS, 1ā€“6 August 2015, Hurghada, Egypt. August 2015.
  16. Detection of cosmetics toxicity using DF4/PUTK2 biolumincent bacteria. International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, ICISSNIP, May 14 – 15, 2015, Netherlands. May 2015.
  17. Employment of a genetically modified 6bioluminescent Bioreporter to assess formation and toxicity of biosynthesized Nano-silver. Imagine Nano, 10-13/3/2015, Spain. March 2015.
  18. Biodiversity of Bioflocculants and Bioflocculants producing microorganisms in different Egyptian Ecosystems. Biomaterials 2014, 29/10-3/11/2014, India. November 2014.
  19. Kinetic, equilibrium and thermodynamic assessment of basic yellow dye biosorption using Egyptian isolated microbial biopolymers. ICABBBE 2014, International Conference on Agricultural, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystems Engineering, 22-23 May 2014, Berlin, Germany. May 2014.
  20. Influence of Hydrogen Ion Concentration on the Production of Bio-Synthesized Nano-Silver. ICABBBE 2014, International Conference on Agricultural, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystems Engineering, 22-23 May 2014, Berlin, Germany. May 2014.
  21. The use of Bioflocculant and Bioflocculant-producing Bacillus mojavensis strain 32A to synthesize silver nanoparticles. Microbial Resource Management for Polluted Marine Environments and Bioremediation, 16- 18 January 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia. January 2014.
  22. Amshage DNA Extraction Kit from Bacteria, Fungi, Water, Parasites and Whole Blood the second conference of the Egyptian scientific research outcomes and applications, 12 May 2013, Petroleum Research center, Cairo, Egypt. May 2013.
  23. Preparation of silver nanoparticles by bioreduction using Stenotrophomonas rhizophila strain 39M and its application as antimicrobial agent against pathogenic bacteria. International conference in nanotechnology, 29 Novemberā€“ 01 December 2013, biotechnology and spectroscopy, ICNBS 2003, Cairo, Egypt. December 2013.
  24. A biogenic approach for green synthesis of silver nanoparticles and bioflocculants as an aspect of bioremediation. 29 November ā€“ 01 December 2013, biotechnology and spectroscopy, ICNBS 2003, Cairo, Egypt. December 2013.

Roya Koshani | environment applications |Women Researcher Award

Dr . Roya Koshani | environment applicationsĀ  |Women Researcher Award

Dr.Roya Koshani ,Pennsylvania State University,United States

Dr. Roya Koshani is a distinguished academic figure affiliated with Pennsylvania State University in the United States. With a profound expertise in her field, Dr. Koshani is recognized for her contributions to [mention her field of study or specialization, e.g., psychology, sociology, engineering, etc.]. Throughout her career, she has made significant strides in advancing knowledge and understanding in her respective domain, garnering respect and admiration from peers and students alike. Dr. Koshani’s dedication to research, teaching, and mentorship has left a lasting impact, shaping the future of her field and inspiring the next generation of scholars.

Professional Profiles:

google scholar

Education and Professional Experience:

Team Lead and Postdoctoral Scholar, Bio-Soft Materials (B-SMaL) Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University, USA,Leading projects on engineering new generations of anti-antibiotic biomaterials.,Supervising industry projects focused on metal separation technology and tissue-mimetic multi-materials.Medical Innovation Fellow, Center for Medical Innovations, College of Medicine, The Pennsylvania State University, USAConducting research on eliminating unproductive chemotherapy drugs to mitigate side effects.

Team Lead and Postdoctoral Researcher, Advanced Bio-Based Materials Laboratory, McGill University, Canada,Led projects on the production and characterization of hairy nanocellulose particles.,Collaborated with industry partners on engineering cellulosic packed beds for water systems.Research Scholar, Department of Chemistry, McGill University, Canada,Investigated the structural chirality of hairy nanocelluloses.

Ph.D. in Food Chemistry

  • Joint program between University of Tehran, Iran, and McGill University, Canada.
  • Thesis focused on carboxylated cellulose nanocrystals as green nanocarriers.

Research Specializations :

Expertise in soft matter engineering, including aerogels, hydrogels, emulsions, colloids, polymers, and more.,Specialized in biomaterials and bio-based materials synthesis, functionalization, and characterization.,Proficient in microbiology techniques, cell cultivation, and in vivo experiments.,Skilled in nanofiller synthesis, electrospinning, spray drying, and 3D printing.,Experienced in microfluidics, bioconjugation techniques, and protein-related assays.

Industrial and Grant Experience:

  • Assisted in drafting successful grant proposals for NSF, NIH, and NSERC-Alliance.
  • Reviewed manuscripts for several prestigious journals and served as a guest editor for Bioresources and Bioprocessing.

Teaching and Leadership Experience :

Served as a teaching assistant for courses in colloid chemistry and advanced experimentation techniques.,Mentored and supervised over 50 researchers and students at undergraduate and graduate levels.,Demonstrated strong leadership skills through roles as team lead, award committee member, and workshop organizer.


  1. Ultrasound-assisted preparation of different nanocarriers loaded with food bioactive ingredients
    R Koshani, SM Jafari
    Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 270, 123-146
  2. A viewpoint on the gastrointestinal fate of cellulose nanocrystals
    R Koshani, A Madadlou
    Trends in Food Science & Technology 71, 268-273
  3. Characterization of carboxylated cellulose nanocrytals isolated through catalyst-assisted H2O2 oxidation in a one-step procedure
    R Koshani, TGM van de Ven, A Madadlou
    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 66 (29), 7692-7700
  4. Optimization of thermal and thermosonication treatments on pectin methyl esterase inactivation of sour orange juice (Citrus aurantium)
    R Koshani, E Ziaee, M Niakousari, MT Golmakani
    Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 39 (6), 567-573
  5. Cellulose-based dispersants and flocculants
    R Koshani, M Tavakolian, TGM van de Ven
    Journal of Materials Chemistry B 8 (46), 10502-10526
  6. Production and properties of tragacanthin-conjugated lysozyme as a new multifunctional biopolymer
    R Koshani, M Aminlari, M Niakosari, A Farahnaky, G Mesbahi
    Food Hydrocolloids 47, 69-78
  7. Chemical compositions and antibacterial activities of five selected aromatic plants essential oils against food-borne pathogens and spoilage bacteria
    M Moosavi-Nasab, M Jamal Saharkhiz, E Ziaee, F Moayedi, R Koshani, …
    Journal of Essential Oil Research 28 (3), 241-251
  8. Natural emulgel from dialdehyde cellulose for lipophilic drug delivery
    R Koshani, M Tavakolian, TGM van de Ven
    ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
  9. Modified hairy nanocrystalline cellulose as photobactericidal nanofillers for food packaging application
    R Koshani, J Zhang, TGM van de Ven, X Lu, Y Wang
    ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
  10. Carboxylated cellulose nanocrystals developed by Cu-assisted H2O2 oxidation as green nanocarriers for efficient lysozyme immobilization
    R Koshani, TGM van de Ven
    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 68 (21), 5938-5950
  11. Carboxylated cellulose nanocrystals developed by Cu-assisted H2O2 oxidation as green nanocarriers for efficient lysozyme immobilization
    R Koshani, TGM van de Ven
    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 68 (21), 5938-5950
  12. Synthesis and characterization of hairy aminated nanocrystalline cellulose
    R Koshani, JE Eiyegbenin, Y Wang, TGM van de Ven
    Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 607, 134-144
  13. Antibacterial Pickering emulsions stabilized by bifunctional hairy nanocellulose
    M Tavakolian, R Koshani, N Tufenkji, TGM van de Ven
    Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 643, 328-339