Xinyi Wei| Robotics and Society | Best Researcher Award

Associate Professor, Renmin University of China;Putian University, China.

Dr. Xin-Yi Wei is a leading psychologist at Renmin University of China, specializing in the societal impacts of technology on human behavior. With extensive research on smartphone addiction and mental health, she utilizes advanced network analysis and longitudinal studies. Her work contributes significantly to understanding technology’s role in modern psychological issues.


Xin-Yi Wei is an accomplished researcher specializing in psychology, with a focus on societal impacts of technology, particularly how robotics and computers influence human behavior. Fluent in both English and Chinese, Wei is recognized for her extensive research on mental health, smartphone addiction, and its psychological and societal effects, often using large-scale qualitative surveys and network analysis methods.

Professional Profiles:

Scopus Profile

🎓 Education :

Xin-Yi Wei holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from Renmin University of China in Beijing. Her academic journey reflects a deep interest in understanding human behavior, especially in relation to technology and social interactions. This solid educational background forms the foundation of her expertise in behavioral and social science research.

🏢 Experience:

Wei has accumulated significant experience in both academic and research roles. She is affiliated with Renmin University of China’s Department of Psychology and the School of Nursing at Putian University in China. Throughout her career, she has authored numerous high-impact papers, particularly on the relationship between technology and mental health, positioning her as a key figure in the field of human-computer interaction and behavioral research.


Dr. Xin-Yi Wei possesses advanced skills in social science research with a strong emphasis on longitudinal studies and network analysis. She is highly proficient in assessing the societal impacts of technology on human behavior and excels in academic communication and presentation. Her expertise includes analyzing complex data sets and interpreting psychological phenomena related to digital technology and mental health.

Research Focus :

Wei’s research primarily focuses on the intersection of technology, society, and human behavior. She has delved into issues such as how societal robotics affect human interactions, the psychological consequences of smartphone addiction, and the social impacts of AI tools like ChatGPT. Her work also investigates social anxiety, mental health, and their connections to problematic technology use, particularly among adolescents.


Although specific awards are not listed in her profile, Xin-Yi Wei’s research has earned her recognition within the academic community, with several publications in top-tier, Q1-ranked journals. Her work continues to shape how society understands the mental and emotional impacts of modern technologies, making her a strong candidate for prestigious research awards.


Dr. Xin-Yi Wei’s distinguished academic record and pioneering research make him an excellent candidate for the “Best Researcher Award.” His work not only advances our understanding of the interaction between technology and human behavior but also offers practical insights into mitigating negative impacts. With his strong research background, significant contributions to high-impact journals, and innovative approach, Dr. Wei is well-positioned to receive this prestigious recognition.

Publications :

Temporal Network of Experience Sampling Methodology Identifies Sleep Disturbance as a Central Symptom in Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Authors: Peng, J., Yuan, S., Wei, Z., Wu, S., Ren, L.
Journal: BMC Psychiatry, 2024, 24(1), 241
Citations: 2 🧠🌙

Examining Network Structure of Impulsivity and Depression in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Two-Sample Study
Authors: Liu, C., Rotaru, K., Wang, Z., Albertella, L., Ren, L.
Journal: Journal of Affective Disorders, 2024, 362, pp. 54–61
Citations: 0 🧩😢

Is Childhood Emotional Neglect Associated with Problematic Smartphone Use Among Adolescents? The Mediating Role of Rejection Sensitivity and Depressive Symptoms
Authors: Gao, T., Yang, L., Wei, X., Zhang, L., Lei, L.
Journal: Current Psychology, 2024, 43(32), pp. 26477–26489
Citations: 0 👶📱

Societal Impacts of Chatbot and Mitigation Strategies for Negative Impacts: A Large-Scale Qualitative Survey of ChatGPT Users
Authors: Wei, X., Chu, X., Geng, J., Wang, C., Lei, L.
Journal: Technology in Society, 2024, 77, 102566
Citations: 1 🤖💬

Network Analysis of the Association Between Dark Triad Traits and Depression Symptoms in University Students
Authors: Li, J., Liu, C., Albertella, L., Liu, X., Ren, L.
Journal: Personality and Individual Differences, 2024, 218, 112495
Citations: 0 😈📉

Social Anxiety and Phubbing: The Mediating Role of Problematic Social Networking and the Moderating Role of Family Socioeconomic Status
Authors: Chu, X., Chen, Y., Litifu, A., Wei, X., Lei, L.
Journal: Psychology in the Schools, 2024, 61(2), pp. 553–567
Citations: 3 😟📱

Correction to: Does Positive Coping Style Alleviate Anxiety Symptoms After Appearing Problematic Smartphone Use for Generation Z Adolescents? The Mediating Role of State Core Self-Evaluation
Authors: Wei, X., Chu, X., Wang, H., Liu, C., Lei, L.
Journal: Current Psychology, 2024, 43(8), pp. 6796
Citations: 0 ⚠️🧠

Does Positive Coping Style Alleviate Anxiety Symptoms After Appearing Problematic Smartphone Use for Generation Z Adolescents? The Mediating Role of State Core Self-Evaluation
Authors: Wei, X., Chu, X., Wang, H., Liu, C., Lei, L.
Journal: Current Psychology, 2024, 43(8), pp. 6783–6795
Citations: 1 😊📊

Relationships Among Selfie-Viewing on Social Media, Thin-Ideal Internalization, and Restrained Eating in Adolescents: The Buffering Role of Media Literacy
Authors: Wang, Y., Gu, X., Geng, J., Wei, X., Lei, L.
Journal: Cyberpsychology, 2024, 18(1), 2
Citations: 2 📸🍽️

Correction to: Neuroticism and Problematic Smartphone Use Symptom Types: Roles of Anxiety and Alexithymia
Authors: Wei, X.-Y., Jiang, Y.-Z., Zhou, H.-L., Jiang, H.-B.
Journal: Current Psychology, 2023, 42(36), pp. 32616–32617
Citations: 0 ⚠️📱

Xinyi Wei| Robotics and Society | Best Researcher Award

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