Bedan Khanal| Transportation Engineering Award | Best Scholar Award

Mr.Bedan Khanal| Transportation Engineering Award | Best Scholar Award

Mr.Bedan Khanal,Wayne State University,  United States

Bedan Khanal is an esteemed faculty member at Wayne State University in the United States. Holding expertise in [mention relevant field or specialization], Khanal has made significant contributions to academia through research, teaching, and mentorship. With a passion for [mention specific interests or areas of focus], Khanal is dedicated to advancing knowledge and fostering intellectual curiosity among students and peers.


Professional Profiles:

Google scolar



Wayne State University | Detroit, MI, USA,Ph.D. Candidate in Civil Engineering (Ph.D. in CE) | Transportation Engineering,Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Steven M. Lavrenz,Committee Members: Dr. Stephen Remias, Dr. Christopher Eamon, Dr. Xiaodong Qian,Expected Graduation: August 2024,Proposed Dissertation Title: “Novel Approach for Transportation Data Analysis: An Integrated Study Using Crash, Crash Surrogates, and Intelligent Transportation Systems Application”,Wayne State University | Detroit, MI, USA,Graduation: May 2021,Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Steven M. Lavrenz,Committee Members: Dr. Stephen Remias, Dr. Tierra Bills,Thesis Title: “Surrogate Measures of Road Safety: A Cross-Sectional Analysis with Traditional Risk Factors and Operating Characteristics at Signalized Intersections”Jain University | Bangalore, Karnataka, India,Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering (B. Tech CE) | Civil Engineering,Graduation: July 2018,Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dimple Bahri,Thesis Title: “Comparative Study on Structural Behavior and Effects of Thermal Treatment on Conventional Concrete and Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete”


Professional Experience:

Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) | Transportation Research Lab (TRL)- WSU | August 2019- Present,Visiting Instructor| CE 4850 Engineering Economics

Honors, Awards, and Scholarships:

2024 MI ITE Student Paper Award,2023-24 Datta Endowment Award,2023 Graduate Research Symposium second-best poster presentation,2022-23 Global Experiences Endowed Award,2022-23 Graduate Student Professional Travel Award,2021 ITE Student Paper Award,2014-2018 COMPEX SCHOLARSHIP,2012 Best 3 Outgoing Students


NCEES | Engineer in Training (EIT/FE),Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) | Student Member,Nepal Engineering Council (NEC) | Registered General Civil Engineer

Primary Research and Projects Conducted:

Ph.D. Dissertation work,Research on the safety of highway-rail grade crossing (HRGC),Study on the application of surrogate safety measures,Research on Glass fiber reinforced concrete,Extensive Survey at Melukote Village, India


  1. Khanal, B., A. Zahertar, and Lavrenz, S.M. “Heterogeneity in Crash Data: A Cross Comparison between Ordered Probability Model and Its Variant Using Crashes at Suburban Type Arterial.” Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 200, 2024, p.107524. [DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2024.107524]
  2. Khanal, B., Lavrenz, S.M. “Safety Assessment of Suburban Type Arterial Roadways: New Findings Using Heterogeneity Models.” Transportation Research Record, 2024 (TRBAM 2022 Conference Presentation, and Paper in print)
  3. Das, S., Warner, J., Lavrenz, S., Khanal, B., “Texas A&M Transportation Institute, 2023. Safety Enhancements at Short-Storage-Space Railroad Crossings” (No. SPR-1721). [URL:]
  4. Khanal, B. “Surrogate Measures of Road Safety: A Cross-Sectional Analysis with Traditional Risk Factors and Operating Characteristics at Signalized Intersections” (M.S. Thesis). Wayne State University, United States – Michigan, 2021. (Online Link available)
  5. Bahri, D., Khanal, B., Shahi, BJ., Neupane, P., Poudel, R. “Comparative Study on Structural Behavior of Thermally Treated Conventional Concrete and Glass Fibre Reinforced Concrete.” Journal of Xidian University, Vol. 15, Issue 8, p.334-343.

Mohsen Hassan| Micro-forming Award | Best Researcher Award

Prof .Mohsen Hassan| Micro-forming Award | Best Researcher Award

Prof.Mohsen Hassan ,Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology, Egypt

Dr. Mohsen Hassan is a distinguished academic and researcher affiliated with the Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) in Egypt. With a profound expertise in his field, Dr. Hassan has made significant contributions to the advancement of science and technology, particularly in the areas of [please specify the field if available]. His academic journey includes extensive research, publications, and collaborations both nationally and internationally. Dr. Hassan’s dedication to education and research has not only enriched the academic community but also inspired aspiring scientists and engineers. As a prominent figure in academia, Dr. Hassan continues to drive innovation and excellence in his field, shaping the future of science and technology in Egypt and beyond.


Professional Profiles:



  • B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Design and production engineering), May 1991, Minia University, Egypt
  • M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Sheet metal forming), January 1998, Assiut University, Egypt
  • Ph.D. Information and Production Science, March 2002, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan

Working Experience:

  • Teaching and research assistant, Assiut University, Egypt (1993-1998)
  • Assistant Lecturer, Assiut University, Egypt (February 1998 – October 1998)
  • Research student, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan (November 1998 – March 1999)
  • Research and teaching assistance, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan (April 1999 – February 2002)
  • Invited research scholar, Kyoto University, Japan (October 2003 – September 2005)
  • Assistant professor (senior lecturer), Assiut University, Egypt (October 2002 – January 2008)
  • Associate professor, Assiut University, Egypt (April 2018 – October 2022)
  • Visiting Associate professor, University of Malaya, Malaysia (August 2010 – August 2012)
  • Associate professor, University of Malaya, Malaysia (August 2012 – August 2015)
  • Professor, Assiut University, Egypt (February 2008 – present)
  • Professor, Egypt-Japan University for Science and Technology, Egypt (October 2016 – present)
  • Director of the Quality Assurance & Accreditation Center, Egypt-Japan University for Science and Technology
  • Chairman of Materials Science and Engineering Department, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology

Teaching Experience:

  • Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong
  • Teaching Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
  • Teaching and Research Assistant, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana

Major Research Topics:

  • Mechanical properties and materials models
  • Non-destructive techniques
  • Forming and micro-forming
  • Finite Element Analysis
  • Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)
  • Fuzzy Logic control
  • Electro-mechanical properties of materials
  • High-temperature synthesis materials
  • Heart mechanics simulation

Administrative Duties:

  • Held various administrative positions including Director of Quality Assurance, Chairman of Departments, and member of University Councils

Research Projects:

  • Engaged in multiple research projects focusing on materials science, mechanical behavior, and manufacturing processes


1.The Influences of Nb Microalloying and Grain Refinement Thermal Cycling on Microstructure and Tribological Properties of Armox 500T

MaterialsThis link is disabled., 2023, 16(23), 7485

2.A review on TMDCs nanomaterials and their surface engineered polymeric membrane nanocomposites for water remediation and wastewater treatment
Kayanja, O.Abdel-Aty, A.A.R.Hassan, M.A., …Ohashi, H.Khalil, A.S.G.
3.Analysis and development of elliptical tool path in trochoidal milling
Wagih, M.Maher, I.El-Hofy, H.Yan, J.Hassan, M.A.CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and TechnologyThis link is disabled., 2023, 47, pp. 168–183

4.A Developed Jerk Sensor for Seismic Vibration Measurements: Modeling, Simulation and Experimental Verification

Geriesh, M.M.Fath El-Bab, A.M.R.Khair-Eldeen, W.Mohamadien, H.A.Hassan, M.A.SensorsThis link is disabled., 2023, 23(12), 5730

5.Effect of phase disparity of MoS2 nanosheets on the performance of PES membranes for dual industrial oil-in-water emulsion separation and dyes adsorption
Kayanja, O.Hassan, M.A.Hassanin, A.Ohashi, H.Khalil, A.S.G.Process Safety and Environmental ProtectionThis link is disabled., 2023, 171, pp. 55–70
6.Application of artificial intelligence techniques in modeling attenuation behavior of ionization radiation: a review
Boahen, J.K.Elsagheer Mohamed, S.A.Khalil, A.S.G.Hassan, M.A.Radiation Detection Technology and MethodsThis link is disabled., 2023, 7(1), pp. 56–83
7.A Developed Jerk Sensor for Seismic Vibration Measurements: Modeling, Simulation and Experimental Verification
Geriesh, M.M.Fath El-Bab, A.M.R.Khair-Eldeen, W.Mohamadien, H.A.Hassan, M.A.SensorsThis link is disabled., 2023, 23(12), 5730
8.EJUSTCO: Monte Carlo radiation transport code hybrid with ANN model for gamma-ray shielding simulation

Nuclear Science and TechniquesThis link is disabled., 2023, 34(9), 144

Erick Ramírez-Cedillo| Design of mechanical | Best Researcher Award

Dr . Erick Ramírez-Cedillo | Design of mechanical |Best Researcher Award

Dr.Erick Ramírez-Cedillo,Tecnológico de Monterrey,Mexico

Dr. Erick Ramírez-Cedillo is a distinguished professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico, with expertise in [insert relevant field or specialization]. With a passion for [mention any significant research interests or projects], Dr. Ramírez-Cedillo has made significant contributions to academia through his research, teaching, and mentorship

Professional Profiles:


Education :

  • Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey, 01/2013 – 12/2014
  • Master’s in Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2019
  • B.E. in Mechatronics, Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2013


Professional Experience:

Designed warehouse layout and workflow for additive manufacturing services.,Secured USD$200,000 in public funding for engineering and research projects.,Managed projects to TRL5 prototype stage and conducted client training.,Spearheaded a successful Industry 4.0 case, securing an annual contract worth USD$150,000.,Achieved 30% and 25% growth in specific periods, managed logistics, and online platforms.,Presented objectives, strategies, and marketing campaigns, and managed a staff of 18.


  • Led research projects on life cycle inventory and parameter optimization for L-PBF machines.
  • Facilitated collaborations resulting in numerous publications and conference presentations.

Laboratory Coordinator:

  • Administered student activities and developed a new Computerized Drawing manual.


  1.  Dynamic topology optimization of 3D-Printed transtibial orthopedic implant using tunable isotropic porous metamaterials. March 2024, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
  2.  Review on Structural Optimization Techniques for Additively Manufactured Implantable Medical Devices. February 2024. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering.
  3.  Manufacturing Cell Framework Based on TEC21 Educational Model: A Successful Case of Study. October 2023, 2023, World Engineering Education Forum-Global Engineering Deans Council (WEEF-GEDC)
  4. Hierarchical and fractal structured materials: Design, additive manufacturing, and mechanical properties. August 2023, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications
  5.  Novel porous structures with non-cubic symmetry: Synthesis, elastic anisotropy, and fatigue life behavior. July 2023, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids
  6. Predictive Modeling of Soft Stretchable Nanocomposites using Recurrent Neural Networks. December 2022, Polymers
  7.  Nanoindentation Hardness and Corrosion Studies of Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel. March 2021 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
  8.  E-Skin Development and Prototyping via Soft Tooling and Composites with Silicone Rubber and Carbon Nanotubes. December 2021 | Materials
  9.  Reinforcement of alginate-gelatin hydrogels with bioceramics for biomedical applications: A comparative study. December 2021 | Materials
  10. Reusable unit process life cycle inventory (UPLCI) for manufacturing: laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF). October 2021 | Production Engineering.
  11.  A Proof of Concept Study of the Mechanical Behavior of La ice Structures Used to Design a Shoulder Hemi-Prosthesis. August 2021 | Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy.
  12.  Nanoindentation and electron backscatter diffraction mapping in laser powder bed fusion of stainless steel 316L. April 2021 | Materials Characterization.
  13.  MEDIIK: Design and Manufacturing of an Emergency Ventilator Against COVID-19 Pandemic. March 2021, 2021, 11th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology
  14. Embedded spherical microlasers for in vivo diagnostic biomechanical performances. November 2020 | Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy
  15.  Process planning of L-PBF of AISI 316L for improving surface quality and relating part integrity with microstructural characteristics. August 2020 | Surface and Coatings Technology
  16. Factors governing the dimensional accuracy and fracture modes under compression of regular and shifted orthogonal scaffolds, April 2020 | Journal of the European Ceramic Society