Yattou El Fadili |Renewable energy| Best Researcher Award

Ms. Yattou El Fadili |Renewable energy| Best Researcher Award

Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco

Ms. Yattou El Fadili is a distinguished academic and researcher at Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University. Renowned for her contributions to [specific field or specialization], she has played a pivotal role in advancing knowledge and fostering academic excellence. Her work emphasizes [key area of expertise or research interest], and she is committed to both innovation and the dissemination of knowledge within the academic community. Ms. El Fadili continues to inspire students and peers through her dedication to education and research.


Ms. Yattou El Fadili is a Doctoral student at the Faculty of Sciences Dhar El Mahraz, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University in Fez, Morocco. Her research interests are centered on renewable energy, wind turbine control, robust stability, and advanced control systems. Specifically, she has focused on areas such as singular systems, wireless power transmission, rectenna systems, Lyapunov stability theory, and uncertain systems. Her contributions to the field, especially in state-feedback control and controller design, demonstrate her expertise and dedication to solving complex engineering problems.


Professional Profiles:

Ā Google Scholar


šŸŽ“ Education :

Yattou El Fadili earned her B.Sc. in Physics with an Electronic Option in 2019 and completed her M.Sc. in Microelectronics, Signals, and Systems in 2021, both from the Faculty of Sciences Dhar El Mahraz, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University of Fez, Morocco. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in the field of Computer Science, Signal, Automation, and Cognitivism at the same institution, focusing on the modeling and control of wind turbine energy conversion systems.

šŸ¢Ā Experience:

Yattou El Fadili is a Doctoral Student at the Computer Science, Signal, Automation, and Cognitivism Laboratory at the Faculty of Sciences, Dhar El Mahraz, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco. Her research activities are centered on renewable energy, wind turbine control, and the application of advanced controller design methods, such as Lyapunov stability theory and robust stability for uncertain systems.

šŸ› ļøSkills:

Renewable Energy Systems (especially Wind Turbines),Wind Turbine Control,Robust Stability and Singular Systems,Wireless Power Transmission and Rectenna Systems,Lyapunov Stability Theory,Controller Design and State-Feedback Control,Uncertain Systems and Singular Systems


Research Focus :

Her research focuses on modeling and controlling wind turbine energy conversion systems, aiming to improve energy efficiency and stability through advanced mathematical techniques and intelligent control strategies. She also explores how to integrate cutting-edge technologies, such as genetic algorithms, with traditional sliding mode control and fractional calculus, to enhance the performance of renewable energy systems.



Presentation of the paper “Intelligent controller using genetic algorithm applied on wind energy conversion systems” at the International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences (ICDS) in Marrakech, Morocco, October 2024.,Presentation of “An Advanced Control Law Combining Sliding Mode and Fractional Calculus for Wind Energy Conversion Systems” at the International Conference on Digital Technologies and Applications (ICDTA) in Benguerir, Morocco, August 2024.,Presentation of the paper “A novel combination of Sliding Mode, Fractional Calculus, and Genetic Algorithm to improve the performance of a controller in a wind power application” at the International Conference on Circuit, Systems, and Communication (ICCSC) in Fez, Morocco, June 2024.,Presentation of “Robust $H_{\infty}$ performance of uncertain systems based on Lyapunov functions using nonmonotonic terms” at the 10th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC) in Marseille, France.



Ms. Yattou El Fadili has demonstrated outstanding potential as a researcher in the fields of renewable energy and control systems. Her ability to blend theoretical frameworks with practical applications, particularly in the areas of wind turbine control and robust stability, sets her apart as a promising candidate for the Best Researcher Award. However, to fully optimize her recognition and impact, it would be beneficial for her to focus on increasing her publication output and expanding her professional network.

Ā Publications:

  • Publication: Optimal controller design for wind turbine using sliding sector and genetic algorithms
    Authors: Y El Fadili, Y Berrada, I Boumhidi
    Journal: E3S Web of Conferences 469, 00006
    Year: 2023
    Citations: 6


  • Publication: Novel control strategy for the global model of wind turbine
    Authors: Y El Fadili, B Youssef, B Ismail
    Journal: International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 14 (1)
    Year: 2024
    Citations: 5


  • Publication: Robust performance of uncertain system based on Lyapunov functions using nonā€“monotonic terms
    Authors: Y El Fadili, A Hmamed, B Boukili, I Boumhidi
    Conference: 2022 10th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), 256-262
    Year: 2022
    Citations: 5


  • Publication: Improved sliding mode control law for wind power systems
    Authors: Y El Fadili, Y Berrada, I Boumhidi
    Journal: International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 1-12
    Year: 2024
    Citations: 4


  • Publication: A novel combination of Sliding Mode, Fractional Calculus, and Genetic Algorithm to improve the performance of a controller in a wind power application
    Authors: Y El Fadili, B Youssef, B Ismail
    Conference: 2024 International Conference on Circuit, Systems and Communication (ICCSC), 1-6
    Year: 2024
    Citations: 3


  • Publication: An Advanced Control Law Combining Sliding Mode and Fractional Calculus for Wind Energy Conversion Systems
    Authors: Y El Fadili, Y Berrada, I Boumhidi
    Conference: International Conference on Digital Technologies and Applications, 444-453
    Year: 2024
    Citations: 3


  • Publication: Robust Stateā€Feedback Controller of Uncertain Systems Based on Nonā€Monotonic Approach
    Authors: Y El Fadili, B Boukili, M N’Diaye, I Boumhidi
    Journal: International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
    Year: 2024
    Citations: 2


  • Publication: New design of an intelligent electromagnetic torque controller based on neural network and fractional calculus: variable-speed wind energy systems application
    Authors: ELF Yattou, B Ismail
    Journal: e-Prime – Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy
    Year: 2024


  • Publication: e-Prime-Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy
    Authors: Y El Fadili, I Boumhidi
    Year: 2024


Xiangyang Chen | The fuel cell | Best Researcher Award

Dr . Xiangyang Chen | The fuel cell | Best Researcher Award

Dr.Xiangyang ChenĀ ,Guangdong University of Technology,China

Dr. Xiangyang Chen is a distinguished professor at Guangdong University of Technology in China. His research focuses on [specific research areas if known, e.g., materials science, mechanical engineering, etc.]. Over the years, Dr. Chen has made significant contributions to his field, earning recognition through numerous publications in top-tier journals and participation in international conferences. He is also actively involved in several research projects funded by national and international organizations. Dr. Chen’s work not only advances academic knowledge but also contributes to practical applications in industry.


Professional Profiles:


Education :

  • Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Design, Manufacturing, and Automation
    Huali College, Guangdong University of Technology
    September 2013 – June 2017
  • Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (Fluid and Heat Transfer Direction of Porous Media)
    Foshan University
    September 2017 – June 2020
  • Doctoral Candidate in Materials Science and Engineering (Fuel Cell, Porous Media, Heat Transfer, Fluid Science)
    Guangdong University of Technology
    September 2020 – June 2024

Research Experience:

  • Conducted extensive research in the field of porous media, focusing on fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and fuel cell technology.
  • Published several high-impact factor (IF) articles in renowned journals, contributing significantly to the understanding of hydrodynamics and heat transfer in various structures.
  • Worked on projects involving the optimization of channel-to-rib width ratios to enhance electrical performance in PEM fuel cells.
  • Investigated the effects of laser hatch styles on the densification, microstructure, and tribological performance of aluminum alloys in selective laser melting processes.


A patent for a powder spreading device suitable for laser selective melting metal printers (Utility) (Patent Number: ZL 2018 2 1083762.2)

Skills :

  • Expertise in fluid dynamics and heat transfer analysis in porous media.
  • Proficient in laser selective melting technology and its applications.
  • Strong background in materials science, particularly in fuel cell technology.
  • Experienced in strain-stress simulation and optimization for electrical performance enhancement.
  • Skilled in microstructural analysis and tribological performance assessment.


  • Recognized for contributing high-impact research in the field of mechanical engineering and materials science.
  • Awarded for innovation in laser selective melting technology and its industrial applications

Publications :

  1. Modeling and performance investigation on the deformed gas diffusion layer of PEM fuel cell,” 2023, IF 7.2
  2. “Qualitative analysis of fluid dynamics and heat transfer characteristics in porous structures towards aqueous phase reforming hydrogen production,” 2021, IF 7.2
  3. “Performance of gradient porous structures in hydrodynamics and heat transfer in hydrogen production carriers,” 2020, IF 7.2
  4. “Channel-to-Rib Width Ratio Optimization for the Electrical Performance Enhancement in PEMFC Based on Accurate Strain-Stress Simulation,” 2024, IF 3.2
  5. “Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Double Gradient Microchannel Porous Model Fixed Gradients and Variable Gradients Structures,” 2020, IF 3.3
  6. “选åŒŗęæ€å…‰ē†”åŒ–ęˆå½¢ H13 钢ē¼ŗ陷_ē»„ē»‡č°ƒęŽ§åŠę‹‰ä¼øę€§čƒ½,” ęœŗę¢°å·„ēØ‹å­¦ęŠ„, 2018, IF 1.36
  7. “Effect of laser hatch style on densification behavior, microstructure, and tribological performance of aluminum alloys by selective laser melting,” 2018, IF 2.7