Mr . Hasibullah Khan | Engineering graphics | Young Scientist Award

Mr . Hasibullah Khan | Engineering graphics | Young Scientist Award

Mr . Hasibullah Khan ,Kabul Polytechnic University,Afghanistan

Mr. Hasibullah Khan is an esteemed academic and professional in the field of engineering, currently serving as a faculty member at Kabul Polytechnic University, Afghanistan. With a strong background in engineering education and research, Mr. Khan has made significant contributions to his field and has been an influential figure in advancing engineering studies in Afghanistan


Professional Profiles:


Education :

MSc. in Architecture
Selcuk University, Turkey
23/10/2015 ā€“ 10/12/2018

BSc. in Architecture
Kabul Polytechnic University, Afghanistan
10/04/2009 ā€“ 05/08/2013


Instructor in Architecture Faculty
Kabul Polytechnic University, Kabul, Afghanistan
10/07/2019 ā€“ Present

Primary Responsibilities:

  • Prepare classroom schedules for students adhering to the lesson plans and projects
  • Assess the annual performance of students
  • Monitor student participation in the ongoing research projects
  • Evaluate the work of students within the classroom
  • Counsel students to resolve their doubts

Secondary Responsibilities:

  • Active participation in the research projects of the department
  • Assist the library staff in attaining journals and books on architecture for the benefit of students
  • Take disciplinary action against students if found to be misbehaving
  • Maintain close coordination with the head of department (HOD) and other staff members
  • Worked with colleagues and students in reaching institutional objectives and goals to ensure that standards were met
  • Designed, prepared, and developed courses and teaching materials for students


Software Proficiency: Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, REVIT Architecture 2020, Maltisim, SketchUp, EES, Lumion,Language Proficiency:,Pashto & Persian: Mother tongues,English: C2 (Listening, Reading, Spoken Interaction), C1 (Spoken Production, Writing),Turkish: C1 (Listening, Reading, Spoken Interaction, Spoken Production, Writing)

Research Focus|:

  • Architectural design with a focus on health and preschool education models
  • Microclimatic architectural design using advanced software tools
  • Sustainable and renewable energy practices in educational institutions
  • Building information modeling (BIM) for cost estimation and scheduling

Publications :

  • Architecture and Health
    Khan, H. (2021). Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, Turkey.


  • Analyzing Preschool Education Models in Architectural Design
    Khan, H. (2021). A+Arch, Turkey.


  • Microclimatic Architectural Design by Interfacing Grasshoppers and Dynamo with Rhino and Revit
    Khan, H. (revision process ongoing).


  • Entertainment-Centric Statistical Analysis of Indoor and Outdoor Auditoriums in Mall Construction using Visitors Opinions
    Khan, H. (revision process ongoing).


  • Green Campus Design: A Study on Achieving Carbon Neutrality Through Renewable Energy and Sustainable Practices in Afghanistan Educational Institutions
    Khan, H. (revision process ongoing).


  • Building Information Model for Cost Estimation and Scheduling in Building Architecture
    Rahimi, M.Z., Khan, H. (2024). Global Journal of Engineering Design and Technology. 13: 192.