Mr.Bedan Khanal| Transportation Engineering Award | Best Scholar Award
Mr.Bedan Khanal,Wayne State University,Ā United States
Wayne State University | Detroit, MI, USA,Ph.D. Candidate in Civil Engineering (Ph.D. in CE) | Transportation Engineering,Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Steven M. Lavrenz,Committee Members: Dr. Stephen Remias, Dr. Christopher Eamon, Dr. Xiaodong Qian,Expected Graduation: August 2024,Proposed Dissertation Title: āNovel Approach for Transportation Data Analysis: An Integrated Study Using Crash, Crash Surrogates, and Intelligent Transportation Systems Applicationā,Wayne State University | Detroit, MI, USA,Graduation: May 2021,Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Steven M. Lavrenz,Committee Members: Dr. Stephen Remias, Dr. Tierra Bills,Thesis Title: āSurrogate Measures of Road Safety: A Cross-Sectional Analysis with Traditional Risk Factors and Operating Characteristics at Signalized IntersectionsāJain University | Bangalore, Karnataka, India,Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering (B. Tech CE) | Civil Engineering,Graduation: July 2018,Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dimple Bahri,Thesis Title: āComparative Study on Structural Behavior and Effects of Thermal Treatment on Conventional Concrete and Glass Fiber Reinforced Concreteā
Professional Experience:
Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) | Transportation Research Lab (TRL)- WSU | August 2019- Present,Visiting Instructor| CE 4850 Engineering Economics
Honors, Awards, and Scholarships:
2024 MI ITE Student Paper Award,2023-24 Datta Endowment Award,2023 Graduate Research Symposium second-best poster presentation,2022-23 Global Experiences Endowed Award,2022-23 Graduate Student Professional Travel Award,2021 ITE Student Paper Award,2014-2018 COMPEX SCHOLARSHIP,2012 Best 3 Outgoing Students
NCEES | Engineer in Training (EIT/FE),Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) | Student Member,Nepal Engineering Council (NEC) | Registered General Civil Engineer
Primary Research and Projects Conducted:
Ph.D. Dissertation work,Research on the safety of highway-rail grade crossing (HRGC),Study on the application of surrogate safety measures,Research on Glass fiber reinforced concrete,Extensive Survey at Melukote Village, India