Shahina Akter| Bioinformatics Award | Women Researcher Award

Dr.Shahina Akter|Bioinformatics Award | Women Researcher Award

Dr.Shahina Akter ,Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research,Bangladesh

Dr. Shahina Akter is a prominent figure in the scientific community of Bangladesh, affiliated with the Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR). With a profound commitment to advancing scientific research and development, Dr. Akter has contributed significantly to various fields, particularly in the realms of industrial innovation and technology. Her expertise spans across multiple domains, including materials science, biotechnology, and environmental sustainability.

Professional Profiles:




  • Ph.D. in Microbiology & Immunology

    Microbiology Department, Dhaka University, 2018,Result Award Achieved: 31 October 2018

  • M.S. in Biotechnology

    Botany Department, Dhaka University, 2001 (held in 2005),Grade: A

  • B.Sc. in Biotechnology

    Botany Department, Dhaka University, 2000 (held in 2003),Grade: A

  • H.S.C. (Science)

    Govt. Begum Badrunnesa Mohila College, 1995,Percentage: 76.10%

  • S.S.C. (Science)

    Dhanmondi Government Girlā€™s High School, 1993,Percentage: 76.90%


Professional Experience:

Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR)

Duration: 11 June 2006 to present,Current Position: Principal Scientific Officer from 2019 to present,Senior Scientific Officer at BCSIR from 2011 to 2019,Scientific Officer at BCSIR from 2006 to 20011,More than 17 years of working experience on Molecular Biology,Specialization in Microbiology and Immunology, Molecular Cytogenetics, Plant Tissue Culture, Animal Harvesting and Cell Culture Techniques, Biotechnology, and Bioinformatics.

Job Responsibilities:

Experiment design, execution, and analysis,Liaising and coordinating with the research team for R&D,Writing and editing scientific manuscripts, reports, presentations,Applying for grants, monitoring, evaluation, and report submission,Supervising and providing technical advice to junior lab members and thesis students,Problem recognition, analysis, and solution.

Awards and Recognition:

  • RTFDCS Fellowship from CCSTDS, Chennai, India
  • Bangabandhu Fellowship on Science and Technology


  1. Nahian, M., Shahab, M., Mazumder, L. S Akter et al. In silico design of an epitope-based vaccine against PspC in Streptococcus pneumoniae using reverse vaccinology. J Genet Eng Biotechnol 21, 166 (2023). Link
  2. Azam S, Sayem M, Khan S, Martini C, Sarkar MH, Akter S, Goswami B, Sinha SQ, Husain Z. SARS-CoV-2 testing and its role in understanding the evolving landscape of the pandemic in Bangladesh. J Biosci. 2023;48:55. PMID: 38088377.
  3. Sanchita Saha, G M Al Amin, Md Salim Khan, Barna Goswami, Farhana Afroz, Md Ahashan Habib, Akter S, Tanjina Akhtar Banu. “Assessment of antibacterial activity and cytotoxic effects of in vitro and in vivo plant parts of a medicinal plant Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr.” Heliyon (SCIE and Scopus Indexed Q1 Journal, IF: 4.), DOI:
  4. da Silva, M.K.; Campos, D.M.d.O.; Akash, S.; Akter, S.; Yee, L.C.; Fulco, U.L.; Oliveira, J.I.N. Advances of Reverse Vaccinology for mRNA Vaccine Design against SARS-CoV-2: A Review of Methods and Tools. Viruses 2023, 15, 2130. Link
  5. Goswami B, Sarkar MH, Akter S, Banu TA, et al. Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variant of interest B.1.525 (Eta) in Bangladesh. Biologicals 84 (2023). Link
  6. Sarkar MH, Naser SR, Chowdhury SF, Khan S, Habib A, Akter S, Banu TA et al. M gene targeted qRTā€‘PCR approach for SARSā€‘CoVā€‘2 virus detection. Scientific Reports, (2023) 13:16659, Link
  7. Akter, S*, Oliveira, JI, Barton, C, Sarkar, MH, Shahab, M, Banu, TA, Goswami, B, Osman, E, Uzzaman, MS, Nafisa, T, Molla, MA, Yeasmin, M, Farzana, M, Habib, A, Shaikh, AA, & Khan, S. (2023). Spike protein mutations and structural insights of pangolin lineage B.1.1.25 with implications for viral pathogenicity and ACE2 binding affinity. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 1-19. Link
  8. Shahab M, Akter S*, Sarkar MH, Banu TA, Goswami B, Chowdhury SF, Naser SR, Habib A, Shaikh AA, Saki M, Zheng G, & Khan S. (2023). Computational design of medicinal compounds to inhibit RBD-hACE2 interaction in Omicron variant: Unveiling a vulnerable target site. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, 40 (2023) 101281. Link
  9. Sarkar MH, Rahman S, Islam R, Rahman A, Islam S, Banu TA, Akter S, Goswami B, Khan S, et al. Comparative Phylogenetic Analysis and Transcriptomic Profiling of Dengue (DENV3 genotype I) Outbreak in 2021 in Bangladesh. Virology Journal (2023) 20:127.
  10. Mazumder L, Shahab M, Islam S, Begum M, Nobre J I O, Begum S, and Akter S. An immunoinformatics approach to epitopeā€‘based vaccine design against PspA in Streptococcus pneumoniae. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (2023) 21:57. Link
  11. Banu TA, Akter S, Akter S, Goswami B, Mollaka SR, Momtaz N, Habib A, Amin G, Khan S. Effects of light intensity on in vitro regeneration of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, Bacopa Monnieri L. and Solanum tuberosum. Bangladesh J. Bot. 52(1): 53-60, 2023 (March). DOI:
  12. Mahmud, A.S.M., Seers, C.A., Shaikh, Md. Ahashan Habib, Akter S et al. A multicenter study reveals dysbiosis in the microbial co-infection and antimicrobial resistance gene profile in the nasopharynx of COVID-19 patients. Sci Rep 13, 4122 (2023). Link
  13. Etminani F, Etminani A, X Hasson SO, Kareem Judi H, Akter S, Saki M. (2023). In silico study of inhibition effects of phytocompounds from four medicinal plants against the Staphylococcus aureus Ī²-lactamase. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked. 37, 2023, 101186. Link
  14. Hoque MN, Rahman MS, Sarkar M.MH, Habib MA, Akter S, Banu TA, et al. (2023). Transcriptome analysis reveals increased abundance and diversity of opportunistic fungal pathogens in nasopharyngeal tract of COVID-19 patients. PLoS ONE 18(1): e0278134. [Link](https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0278134)
  15. Farooq U; Akter S; Qureshi AQ; Hayaa M. A; Farzana M; Shahab M et al. Arbutin Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterization, and Its Catalytic Activity against Different Organic Dyes. Catalysts 2022, Volume 12, Issue 12, 1602