Dr.WDAH TARIG AHMED SALIH | Environmental | Best Researcher Award
Education :
Awards & Honors:
- Certificate awarded from the TYUT-SNU Joint.
Publications :
- Salih, W., Wang, Y., Dong, X., & Wen, H. (2020). “Study on stress-strain-resistivity and microscopic mechanism of red mud waste modified by desulphurization gypsum-fly ash under drying-wetting cycles.” Construction and Building Materials, 249, 118772. DOI
- Salih, W., Xiao, Z., & Dong, X. (2024). “Research Enhancing Acidic Mine Wastewater Purification: Innovations in Red MudāLoess.” Materials, 17(9), 2050. DOI
- Salih, W., Xiao, Z., & Dong, X. (2024). “Research Investigates and Simulation Behavior of the Failure Characteristics of Red MudāLoess Type Permeable Reactive Barriers PRB in FixedāBed Column Experiments.” Advances in Civil Engineering, 2024(1), 6131115. DOI
- Salih, W., & Dong, X. “Numerical Simulation of Multi-ions Diffusion Processes in clay soil Barriers.” Accepted in Discover Applied Sciences.