Mr. Bilal Iqbal Ayubi |design|Best Researcher Award Mr. Bilal Iqbal Ayubi,Shandong university, China Bilal Iqbal Ayubi is a scholar at Shandong University in China, where he is engaged in advanced
Prof . Sergio Sousa| Quality control | Best Researcher Award Prof. Sergio Sousa,University of Minho, Portugal Professor Sergio Sousa is a distinguished academic at the University of Minho in Portugal.
Prof Dr. Venkata Lakshmi Dasari| Deep Learning | Best Researcher Award Prof Dr. Venkata Lakshmi,VIT-AP University, Andhra Pradesh,India Prof. Dr. Venkata Lakshmi is a distinguished academician and researcher at VIT-AP
 Dr.Xiao Jiang | Medical | Best Researcher Award  Dr. Xiao Jiang, Liaocheng University,China Dr. Xiao Jiang is a distinguished academic at Liaocheng University, China, where he specializes in With a
Prof. Nai-Chang Yeh | applications | Best Researcher Award Prof. Nai-Chang Yeh , California Institute of Technology, United States Prof. Nai-Chang Yeh is a distinguished physicist at the California Institute
Assist Prof Dr.Hussein Dalfi | Materials | Best Paper Award Assist Prof Dr. Hussein Dalfi, University of Wasit, Iraq Assist. Prof. Dr. Hussein Dalfi is a distinguished academic at the
Ms.Ana Carretero Pérez | Health engineering | Best Researcher Award Ms. Ana Carretero Pérez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain Ms. Ana Carretero Pérez is a distinguished academic at the Universidad
Assoc. Prof Dr.Yong Liang |edge intelligence| Best Researcher Award Assoc Prof Dr.Yong Liang , College of Mechanical and Control Engineering, Guilin University of TechnologyChina Assoc Prof Dr. Yong Liang is
Dr.Praveen N| Materials| Best Researcher Award Dr , Praveen N, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, India. Dr. Praveen N is a distinguished academician and researcher at Siddaganga Institute of Technology, India.
Cesar Pena Fernandez | Robotics | Best Researcher Award Researcher Professor at Federal Institute of Bahia, Brazil  César Peña Fernández is a distinguished researcher and academic in the field of

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