Mrs. meriem zamouche | The treatment of water| Best Researcher Award

Mrs. meriem zamouchei ,Constantine University 3,Algeria

Mrs. Meriem Zamouchei is a distinguished academic at Constantine University 3 in Algeria. She has made significant contributions to her field, demonstrating a commitment to excellence in both teaching and research. Mrs. Zamouchei is known for her innovative approaches and dedication to advancing knowledge. Her work has had a considerable impact, earning her recognition within the academic community.


Professional Profiles:


Education :

Baccalaureate in Nature and Life Sciences
Lycee El Houria, Constantine, 1996,Installation in Industrial Technology, Option: Environment Generation
Constantine Mentouri University, 2001,Masterā€™s in Separation Processes
University of Badji Mokhtar Annaba, 2010,PhD in Environmental Processes, Option: Generation
University of Constantine 3, 2016,University Education in New Processes

Professional Experience:

Engineer in Industry at the Observation Area of the Environment and Durable Development (ONEDD)
Constantine, 2005-2012,Attachment to Research at the Center for Research in Biotechnology (C.R.Bt)
2013,Chief Engineer at the Observatoire Region of the Environment and Sustainable Development (ONEDD)
June 2015 – November 2015,Student at Constantine University 3 Salah Boubnider
Since November 2016

Teaching Experience:

Teaching Assistant,TP of Chimie Analysis, Department of Industrial Chimie, Master 1 Generation Pharmaceutical, Constantine University 1 (2010-2011),TP of Chimie I & II, Technology Department, Constantine University 1 (2010-2012),TP of Eaux-Determination, Industrial Chimie Division, Constantine University 1 (2011-2012),TP of Surface and Catalytic Chemistry, License, Generation of Processes, University of Constantine 3 (2016-2019),TP of Physiotherapy and Biology, Master 2, Environmental Development Department, Constantine University 3 (2017-2024),Courses, TD, TP in Adsorption Processes, Master 1, Department of Environment Development, Constantine University 3 (2016-2024),TD of Technology Mechanics, License, Generation of Processes, University of Constantine 3 (2021-2023)

Research Focus:

Adsorption and Biosorption
Utilizing biomaterials and by-products as non-conventional adsorbents to remove organic pollutants from solutions.,Membrane Emulsion Extraction
Using natural oils as alternatives to conventional organic phases (hexane, heptane) for the extraction of organic pollutants.,Advanced Oxidation Processes
Including Fenton oxidation and photocatalysis for wastewater treatment.,Waste Valorization and Treatment
Developing sustainable methods for waste management and environmental protection.

Research Projects:

PRFU Project Code: A16N01UN250320220007
Extraction with Membrane Liquid Emulsion and Adsorption as Treatment Processes for Various Effluents.,PRFU Project Code: A16N01UN250320230006
Study of Properties of Nanomaterials Based on Metal Oxides for Environmental Applications.

Publications :

  • Zamouche, M., & Hamdaoui, O. (2012). A use of cedar cone for the removal of a cationic dye from aqueous solutions by sorption. Energy Procedia, 18, 1055-1067.
  • Zamouche, M., & Hamdaoui, O. (2012). Sorption of Rhodamine B by cedar cone: effect of pH and ionic strength. Energy Procedia, 18, 1239-125.
  • Zamouche, M., Arris, S., & Bencheikh LeHocine, M. (2014). Removal of Rhodamine B from water by cedar cone: Effect of calcinations and chemical activation. Hydrogen Energy, 39, 1523-1531.
  • Zamouche, M., Arris, S., & Bencheikh LeHocine, M. (2015). Chemical Activation Of A Sewage Sludge For Elimination Of Cationic Dye (Rhodamine-B) From Aqueous Solution. In Progress in Clean Energy, Volume 1 (DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-16709-1_46).
  • Zamouche, M., Mouni, L., Ayachi, A., & Merniz, I. (2019). Use of commercial activated carbon for the purification of synthetic water polluted by a pharmaceutical product. Desalination and Water Treatment, 172, 86ā€“95.
  • Zamouche, M., Habib, A., Saaidia, K., & Bencheikh LeHocine, M. (2020). Batch mode for adsorption of crystal violet by cedar cone forest waste. SN Applied Sciences, 2(198).
  • Zamouche, M., Moumeni, O., Mehcene, I., & Temmine, M. (2021). High elimination of dye from synthetic aqueous solution by chemical treated sewage sludge. Desalination and Water Ā 211, 349ā€“358.
  • Zamouche, M., Chermat, M., Kermiche, Z., Tahraoui, H., Kebir, M., Bollinger, J.-C., Amrane, A., & Mouni, L. (2023). Predictive Model Based on K-Nearest Neighbor Coupled with the Gray Wolf Optimizer Algorithm (KNN_GWO) for Estimating the Amount of Phenol Adsorption on Powdered Activated Carbon. Water, 15(3), 493.
  • Zamouche, M., Tahraoui, H., Laggoun, Z., Mechati, S., Chemchmi, R., Kanjal, M. I., Amrane, A., Hadadi, A., & Mouni, L. (2023). Optimization and Prediction of Stability of Emulsified Liquid Membrane (ELM): Artificial Neural Network. Processes, 11(2), 364.
  • Mechati, S., Zamouche, M., Tahraoui, H., Filali, O., Mazouz, S., Bouledjemer, I. N. E., Toumi, S., Triki, Z., Amrane, A., Kebir, M., Lefnaoui, S., & Zhang, J. (2023). Modeling and Optimization of Hybrid Fenton and Ultrasound Process for Crystal Violet Degradation Using AI Techniques. Water, 15, 4274.
  • Cheikh, S., Imessaoudene, A., Bollinger, J.-C., Hadadi, A., Manseri, A., Bouzaza, A., Assadi, A., Amrane, A., Zamouche, M., El Jery, A., & Mouni, L. (2023). Complete Elimination of the Ciprofloxacin Antibiotic from Water by the Combination of Adsorptionā€“Photocatalysis Process Using Natural Hydroxyapatite and TiO2. Catalysts, 13(2), 336.
  • Mibarki, N., Triki, Z., Belhadj, A.-E., Tahraoui, H., Zamouche, M., Kebir, M., Amrane, A., Zhang, J., & Mouni, L. (2023). An Effective Standalone Solar Air Gap Membrane Distillation Plant for Saline Water Desalination: Mathematical Model, Optimization. Water, 15(6), 1141.
  • Dehbi, M., Dehbi, F., Kanjal, M. I., Tahraoui, H., Zamouche, M., Amrane, A., Assadi, A. A., Hadadi, A., & Mouni, L. (2023). Analysis of Heavy Metal Contamination in Macroalgae from Surface Waters in Djelfa, Algeria. Water, 15(5), 974.
  • Farch, S., Yahoum, M. M., Toumi, S., Tahraoui, H., Lefnaoui, S., Kebir, M., Zamouche, M., Amrane, A., Zhang, J., Hadadi, A., & Mouni, L. (2023). Application of Walnut Shell Biowaste as an Inexpensive Adsorbent for Methylene Blue Dye: Isotherms, Kinetics, Thermodynamics, and Modeling. Separations, 10(1), 60.
  • Triki, Z., Fergani, Z., Lekmine, S., Tahraoui, H., Amrane, A., Zamouche, M., Kebir, M., Assadi, A. A., Khezami, L., & Zhang, J. (2023). Numerical Modelling and Performance Evaluation of Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Energy-Efficient Seawater Desalination: Towards Energy-Efficient Solutions. Water, 15, 3612.
  • Ben Hadj Tahar, D., Triki, Z., Guendouz, M., Tahraoui, H., Zamouche, M., Kebir, M., Zhang, J., & Amrane, A. (2024). Characterization and Thermal Evaluation of a Novel Bio-Based Natural Insulation Material from Posidonia oceanica Waste: A Sustainable Solution for Building Insulation in Algeria. ChemEngineering, 8, 18.
  • Timizar, Z., Boutemak, K., Hadj Ziane-Zafour, A., Touzout, N., Jaouadi, B., Zamouche, M., Kebir, M., Zhang, J., & Amrane, A. (2024). Comprehensive Analysis of Phytochemical Composition, Antioxidant Potential, and Antibacterial Activity of T. polium. Separations, 11(4), 90.
meriem zamouche | The treatment of water| Best Researcher Award

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