Shu Wang | augmented reality | Best Researcher Award

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Prof. Shu Wang | augmented reality | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Shu Wang ,Northwestern Polytechnical University,China

Prof. Shu Wang is a distinguished professor at Northwestern Polytechnical University in China. He has made significant contributions to the field of engineering, focusing on areas such as materials science, aerospace engineering, and advanced manufacturing. Prof. Wang’s research interests include the development of high-performance materials, the study of their mechanical properties, and their applications in aerospace and other high-tech industries. He has published numerous papers in top-tier journals and has been recognized for his innovative research and dedication to advancing engineering education. Prof. Wang is also actively involved in various academic and professional organizations, contributing to the growth and development of the engineering community in China and globally.


Professional Profiles:


Education :

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (2005.03-2008.10), Northwestern Polytechnical University,Master in Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering (2003.09-2005.04), Northwestern Polytechnical University,Bachelor in Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation (1997.09-2001.07), Northwest Institute of Light Industry

Research and Work Experience:

Professor (2018.07-Present), School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University,Associate Professor (2013.04-2018.07), School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University,Lecturer (2008.12-2013.04), School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University,Visiting Scholar (2011.08-2012.08), School of Engineering Design, Brunel University,Technician (2001.07-2003.08), Product Development Department, Guangzhou Dongguan Ledetai Co., Ltd.

Research Projects:

The National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Leader (2024.01-2027.12): Theory and Method of Human Machine Object Integration in the Execution Process of Aircraft Engine Blade Selection and Assembly,National Key R&D Program Project Leader (2021.10-2024.10): Key Technologies and Algorithms for Visualized Intelligent Assembly of Advanced Aviation Equipment Based on Augmented Reality,National Key R&D Program Project Task Leader (2021.10-2024.10): Key Equipment and Systems for Building Intelligent Production Lines,National Key R&D Program Project Sub-project Leader (2019.12-2022.11): A Data-driven Method for Monitoring and Optimizing the Assembly Quality of Major Products: Physical Design and Visualization Technology for Assembly Process,EU Erasmus+CBHE Program Project (2019.01-2021.12): University Cooperation Framework for Knowledge Transfer in Central Asia and China (UNICAC)

Research Focus:

  • Human-Machine Integration
  • Augmented Reality in Assembly Processes
  • Intelligent Production Lines
  • Data-driven Assembly Quality Monitoring
  • Digital Twin Technology

Research Projects:

PRFU Project Code: A16N01UN250320220007
Extraction with Membrane Liquid Emulsion and Adsorption as Treatment Processes for Various Effluents.,PRFU Project Code: A16N01UN250320230006
Study of Properties of Nanomaterials Based on Metal Oxides for Environmental Applications.

Awards and Recognitions:

  • Various honors for research contributions in mechanical and aerospace engineering.
  • Recognized for significant contributions to augmented reality and intelligent assembly technologies.

Publications :

  • Hou, Z., Zhang, Q., Wang, S. et al. (2024). A blind area information perception and AR assembly guidance method based on RGBD data for dynamic environments and user study. Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 133, 115–128.
  • Li, J., Wang, S., Wang, G. et al. (2024). The effects of complex assembly task type and assembly experience on users’ demands for augmented reality instructions. Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 131, 1479–1496.
  • Zhang, J., Wang, S., He, W., Li, J. et al. (2024). Intelligent detection and AR guidance of aero-engine blade assembly execution process. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 30(04), 1263-1272.
  • Hou, Z., He, W., Wang, S. et al. (2023). Research on Dynamic Assembly Technology of Arc-tooth Type Seeker Servomechanism Based on Digital Twin. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 59(22), 433-443.
  • Zhang, J., Wang, S., He, W. et al. (2022). Augmented reality material management system based on post-processing of aero-engine blade code recognition. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 65, 564-578.