Saeed Moradi | Heat transfer |Best Researcher Award

Mr.Saeed Moradi | Heat transfer |Best Researcher Award

Mr.Saeed Moradi,Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Iran

Saeed Moradi is a distinguished academic affiliated with Babol Noshirvani University of Technology in Iran. With a robust background in engineering and technology, he has contributed significantly to research and education in his field. Dr. Moradi is known for his innovative approaches to problem-solving and his commitment to fostering a collaborative learning environment. His work often focuses on advancing technological applications and enhancing educational methodologies, making him a respected figure in both academic and professional circles.


Saeed Moradi is a highly qualified candidate for the Best Researcher Award, distinguished by his strong academic background, significant research contributions, and practical experience in mechanical engineering. His publication in a prestigious journal underscores the relevance and quality of his work. With a focus on energy conversion and heat transfer, he is poised to make further advancements in the field.

Professional Profiles:


🎓 Education :

Born in Mashhad, Saeed Moradi graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Islamic Azad University of Mashhad in 2020, where he completed his thesis on stress analysis in damaged steel samples using Abaqus software, earning a score of 18 under Dr. Kormi Nejad. He then pursued a postgraduate degree in Energy Conversion Mechanical Engineering at Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, completing a thesis on the impact of vortex generators on two-phase heat transfer in evaporative condensers, supervised by Dr. Koresh Siddighi and advised by Dr. Mousavi. His work was successfully defended in late 2023 and has been published in the “International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer” journal.

🏢 Experience:

Saeed has hands-on experience in supervising the testing and inspection of various elevator systems, including mobile and fixed elevators, and lift trucks, demonstrating his expertise in mechanical systems and safety standards.



He possesses strong technical skills, including proficiency in international standards like ASME, ANSI, TEMA, and API. Saeed is well-versed in mechanical engineering software, including FLUENT, MATLAB, AutoCAD, SolidWorks, ANSYS, and Abaqus, as well as Microsoft Office applications.

Research Focus :

Saeed’s research centers on mechanical engineering applications in energy conversion, heat transfer enhancement, and composite materials. His innovative numerical studies contribute to the understanding of complex thermal systems.


In conclusion, Saeed Moradi’s achievements and potential make him an excellent candidate for the Best Researcher Award. His strengths in research, technical skills, and practical experience are complemented by opportunities for growth in collaboration and visibility. Recognizing Saeed with this award would not only honor his past contributions but also encourage his continued excellence in research and innovation.

Publications :


Dr . mohammed amine Amraoui | Heat transfer | Best Researcher Award

Dr . mohammed amine Amraoui | Heat transfer | Best Researcher Award

Dr . Abhishek Kumar ,National Formosa University,Taiwan

Dr. Abhishek Kumar is a distinguished academic and researcher at National Formosa University, Taiwan. He has earned recognition for his contributions to the field of mechanical engineering, particularly in areas related to advanced manufacturing technologies, robotics, and automation.Dr. Kumar holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed university, where he specialized in innovative techniques to enhance manufacturing processes. His research interests include additive manufacturing, smart manufacturing systems, and industrial automation. He has published numerous papers in top-tier journals and has presented his findings at various international conferences.


Professional Profiles:



A thermo-fluid research engineer specializing in single-phase/two-phase heat transfer design, refrigeration/air conditioning research with low GWP refrigerants, heat sink/cold plate design, product development for electronics cooling, and optimization of energy systems. Proven track record in delivering industry-university cooperation projects on time. Expertise in experimental works and designing solutions to sustainable energy problems in alignment with industry needs.

Education :

June 2002: Baccalaureate in Mechanical Fabrication,une 2005: Diploma of University Applied Studies (DEUA) in Mechanical Engineering,2005/2006: Third Year Engineering in Mechanical Engineering,2006/2007: Fourth Year Engineering in Mechanical Engineering,June 2008: State Engineer Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Energy Option,December 2012: Magister Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Energy Option, Thermal Machines,2012/2013: First Year Doctorate,2013/2014: Second Year Doctorate,2014/2015: Third Year Doctorate,2015/2016: Fourth Year Doctorate,2016/2017: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Sciences, Thermal Machines Option,2019: University Habilitation Certificate in Mechanical Engineering

Work Experience:

August 2, 2009: Technical Auditor at SOGERWHIT,October 4, 2009: Senior Technician in Study and Methods at SOREMEP SPA,2012/2013: Teaching Assistant in Fluid Mechanics,2013/2014: Teaching Assistant in Heat Exchangers,2014/2015: Lecturer in Turbo Machinery and Propulsion Mechanics,Since September 6, 2015: Assistant Professor, Class B, at the University of Djilali Liabes Sidi Bel Abbes,Since July 24, 2019: Assistant Professor, Class A, at the University of Djilali Liabes Sidi Bel Abbes

Skills Summary:

  • Team spirit
  • Communication
  • High adaptability and learning ability
  • Proficiency in computer tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, FLUENT, ANSYS, MS Project, AutoCAD, MATLAB, DAO, CAO, Retscreen)

University Projects:

DEUA Final Study Project: Study and realization of a threading device,Engineering Final Study Project: Feasibility study of a wind system for electricity production in Algeria,Magister Thesis: Numerical study of a flat solar air collector; Influence of the roughness shape,Doctorate Thesis: Contribution to the performance improvement of a flat solar air collector

Publications :


  • K. Aliane, M.A. Amraoui, “Etude numérique d’un capteur solaire plan à air ayant une rugosité rectangulaire,” Revue des Energies Renouvelables, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2013, pp. 129-141.


  • M.A. Amraoui, K. Aliane, “Numerical Analysis of a Three Dimensional Fluid Flow in a Flat Plate Solar Collector,” International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2014, pp. 68-75. DOI: 10.11648/j.ijrse.20140303.14.


  • M.A. Amraoui, K. Aliane, “Dynamic and Thermal Study of the Three-Dimensional Flow in a Flat Plate Solar Collector with Transversal Baffles,” International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 6, November 2014.


  • M.A. Amraoui, K. Aliane, “Three-dimensional Analysis of Air Flow in a Flat Plate Solar Collector,” Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering. DOI: 10.3311/PPme.11255.


  • M.A. Amraoui, “Numerical Study of an Air Flow in a Flat Plate Air Solar Collector with Circular Obstacles,” In: Hatti M. (eds) Computer Aided Design In Mechanical Engineering and Renewables Towards an Energy Transition. ICAIRES 2020. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol. 174. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-63846-7_81.


  • Y. Menni, H. Ameur, S.-W. Yao, M.A. Amraoui, M. Inc, G. Lorenzini, H. Ahmad, “Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations and Heat Transfer Characteristic Comparisons of Various Arc-Baffled Channels,” Open Physics, 2021. DOI: 10.1515/phys-2021-0005.


  • M.A. Amraoui, “Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of a Flat Plate Solar Collector with Double Paths,” International Journal of Heat and Technology. DOI: 10.18280/ijht.390406.


  • M.A. Amraoui, F. Benosman, “Numerical Modeling of a Flat Air Solar Collector Fitted with Obstacles,” E3S Web of Conferences, Vol. 321:04016, 2021. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202132104016.


  • F. Benosman, M.A. Amraoui, “Study of Air Flow in A Solar Collector Equipped with Two Inclined Obstacles,” E3S Web of Conferences, Vol. 321:04015, 2021. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202132104015.


  • G. Abdi, M.A. Amraoui, N. Medjadji, G. Lorenzini, Y. Menni, “3D Evaluation of a Thermal and Hydraulic Winged Solar Collector,” Instrumentation Mesure Métrologie, Vol. 21, No. 2, April 2022, pp. 35-41.


  • M.A. Amraoui, M.A. Alkhafaji, S. Abdullaev, S.A. Zearah, A. Akgul, R. Jarrar, H. Shanak, J. Asad, Y. Menni, “CFD Study of a Dual-Passage Solar Collector with Longitudinal and Transverse Baffles for Enhanced Thermal Performance,” Thermal Science, Vol. 27, No. 4B, 2023, pp. 3133-3142.


  • M.A. Amraoui, F. Benosman, “Computational 3D Simulations of Fluid Dynamics and Comparisons of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Various Flat-Plate Solar Collectors,” Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering. DOI: 10.1007/s40997-024-00766-x.




Dr . Abhishek Kumar | Heat transfer | Best Researcher Award

Dr . Abhishek Kumar | Heat transfer | Best Researcher Award

Dr . Abhishek Kumar ,National Formosa University,Taiwan

Dr. Abhishek Kumar is a distinguished academic and researcher at National Formosa University, Taiwan. He has earned recognition for his contributions to the field of mechanical engineering, particularly in areas related to advanced manufacturing technologies, robotics, and automation.Dr. Kumar holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed university, where he specialized in innovative techniques to enhance manufacturing processes. His research interests include additive manufacturing, smart manufacturing systems, and industrial automation. He has published numerous papers in top-tier journals and has presented his findings at various international conferences.


Professional Profiles:


Google Scholar


A thermo-fluid research engineer specializing in single-phase/two-phase heat transfer design, refrigeration/air conditioning research with low GWP refrigerants, heat sink/cold plate design, product development for electronics cooling, and optimization of energy systems. Proven track record in delivering industry-university cooperation projects on time. Expertise in experimental works and designing solutions to sustainable energy problems in alignment with industry needs.

Education :

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mechanical Engineering,National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
October 2022 – February 2018,Master of Technology (M. Tech.) in Thermal Engineering,Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, India,September 2016 – July 2014,Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) in Mechanical Engineering,Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, India,July 2009 – July 2005


Industry-University Cooperation Projects under Prof. Chi-Chuan Wang
March 2018 – November 2022,Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI):
An Overview of Low GWP Refrigerants for Chiller Applications: Alternative to R-134a
March 2022 – November 2022,PEGATRON Limited:
Design and development of 1000 W Liquid-cooled cold plate
January 2022 – July 2021,Patech Fine Chemicals Limited:
Investigated heat transfer performance of various compressor POE lubricant oils with low GWP refrigerants on smooth and enhanced tubes
January 2021 – August 2020,Formosa Heavy Industries Corp.:
Experimentally investigated heat transfer performance of high flux sintered coated tubes from different manufacturers,October 2019 – May 2018


  • Best Presentation Award at the 7th National and 1st International Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (NCRAC 2022) for the paper “Recent Progress in Pool Boiling Heat Transfer of Low GWP Refrigerants with the Effect of POE Lubricant Oil” (Paper ID: NCRAC2022_79)

Field of Interest:

  • Optimization of energy systems
  • Design and development of supercritical CO2-based power generation systems
  • Heat exchanger design for supercritical systems
  • HVAC&R technology with low GWP refrigerants
  • Efficient thermal management systems for data center cooling, including immersion cooling single/two phase
  • Sustainable energy challenges
  • Boiling, condensation, and combustion of environmentally friendly working fluids
  • High-efficiency heat pipes
  • Micro-nano scale energy transport
  • Multiscale modeling (CFD)
  • Nature-inspired technology for enhanced heat transfer

Publications :

  • Kumar, A., et al. (2022). A Comprehensive Review Regarding Condensation of Low-GWP Refrigerants for Some Major Alternatives of R-134a. Processes, 10, 1882.


  • Kumar, A., et al. (2021). Heat Transfer Performance of R-1234ze(E) with the Effect of High-Viscosity POE Oil on Enhanced GEWA-B5H Tube. Processes, 9, 2285.


  • Kumar, A., et al. (2020). Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer from High-Flux Tube with Dielectric Fluid HFE-7200. Energies, 13, 2313.


  • Kumar, A., et al. (2024). Effect of Viscosity Grade (POE) on the Smooth-Tube Pool Boiling Performance with R-1234ze(E) Refrigerant. Applied Thermal Engineering, 241, 122328.


  • Kumar, A., et al. (2023). Recent Progress in Pool Boiling Heat Transfer of Low GWP Refrigerants with the Effect of POE Lubricant Oil. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 45, 102127.


  • Kumar, A., et al. (2023). Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics of R-1233zd(E) on Smooth Tube Subject to POEC-220 Lubricant Oil. International Journal of Refrigeration, 145, 233-242.


  • Kumar, A., et al. (2022). Heat Transfer Characteristics of R‐454B and R‐454B/POE‐Oil Mixture on Smooth and GEWA Tube: Alternative to R‐410A. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 193, 122972.


  • Kumar, A., et al. (2022). Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer of R-1234ze(E) and R-134a on GEWA-B5H and Smooth Tube with the Influence of POE Oil. Applied Thermal Engineering, 201, 117779.


  • Kumar, A., et al. (2021). Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer of R-134a and R-134a/POE Lubricant Mixtures on Smooth Tube. Applied Thermal Engineering, 185, 116359.


  • Kumar, A., et al. (2024). Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Performance of Low-GWP Refrigerant R-513A on Smooth Tube. Heat and Mass Transfer, 60, 1059-1071.


  • Sajjad, A.K.U., Wang, C.-C., et al. (2020). Nucleate Pool Boiling of High Flux Sintered Coated Porous Surfaces with Dielectric Liquid, HFE-7200. Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer.





Abdulrahman Alajlan |Heat transfer Award | Best Researcher Award

Dr.Abdulrahman Alajlan |Heat transfer Award | Best Researcher Award

Dr.Abdulrahman Alajlan,KACST, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Abdulrahman Alajlan is a prominent figure in the scientific community of Saudi Arabia. He is affiliated with King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), which is a leading scientific organization in the Kingdom. KACST plays a pivotal role in promoting and supporting scientific research and technological advancement in various fields.

Professional Profiles:



  • Doctor of Philosophy: Physics, 12/2019
    • Texas A&M University – College Station
  • Master of Science: Physics, 08/2015
    • Texas A&M University – College Station
  • Bachelor of Science: Physics, 05/2010
  • Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University – Riyadh

Skills :

  • Energy efficiency and sustainability
  • Radiative/Passive cooling
  • Software programming: COMSOL, MEEP, Lumerical, Mathematica
  • Solar thermal systems
  • Polymer coatings preparations
  • Transparent woods treatments
  • Teaching and training

Professional Experience:

  • Assistant Professor, 11/2020 to Current
    • KACST – Riyadh, Riyadh
    • KACST excellent research awards, 2023
    • KACST research institute awards, 2022
    • Established the first radiative cooling lab in the kingdom at KACST.
    • Building two rooftop setups for radiative cooling experiments.
  • Physics Researcher, 07/2010 to 11/2020
    • KACST – Riyadh, Riyadh
    • Developed detectors for high energy physics experiments in GSI labs, Germany.
    • Member of the overseeing committee for physics and mathematics national Olympiad.
    • Designed and fabricated nano optical fibers and cavities using clean room facility at TAMU.
    • Conducted numerical and theoretical calculations for light-matter interaction.


    • Alajlan, A. M. et al. “Gap-mode enhancement on MoS2 probed by functionalized tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.” Applied Physics Letters 109 (2016).
    • Russotto, P., et al. “Results of the ASY-EOS experiment at GSI: The symmetry energy at suprasaturation density.” Physical Review C 94.3 (2016): 034608.
    • Fan, J. W. et al. “Germanium-Vacancy Color Center in Diamond as a Temperature Sensor” (vol 5, pg 765, 2018). Acs Photonics 5, 4710-4710 (2018).
    • Alajlan, A. et al. “Compact design of a gallium phosphide nanobeam cavity for coupling to diamond germanium-vacancy centers.” Opt Mater Express 9, 1678-1688 (2019).
    • Alajlan, Abdulrahman, et al. “Free-standing silicon nitride nanobeams with an efficient fiber-chip interface for cavity QED.” Optical Materials Express 10.12 (2020): 3192-3201.
    • Alajlan, Abdulrahman, et al. “All-Day Thermoelectric Power Generation Using Radiative Heat Exchange with Space and Water-Based Heat Storage.” Applied physics letters 121 (2022) (Featured article).
    • Alajlan, Abdulrahman, et al. ” Enhanced nighttime power generation and photovoltaic cooling in photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid systems.” (accepted in ECMX).
    • Dang, Saichao, et al. “Sky cooling through a nanoporous polyethylene cover for LED streetlights” (submitted).